GDF Biuro Rachunkowe - Żmujdzka 31, 31-217 Kraków
Pon - Pt : 7:30 - 16:00


DF Biuro Rachunkowe (GDF) has been operating on the market of financial and accounting services since 1998.

We focus on accounting, HR and payroll services for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

Biuro polecane przez iKsiegowosc24

Fakturuj bezpłatnie z Comarch ERP XT

Gwarancja bezpieczeństwa danych z Comarch IBARD Backup

Certified accounting office

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We will tell you how to improve the accounting department and pay less!

Accounting services

W ramach obsługi księgowej Twojej firmy oferujemy wykonanie wszystkich czynności wobec organów finansowych i podatkowych, przygotowywanie raportów, analiz i zestawień. Dzięki współpracy z nami będziesz mógł skupić się wyłącznie na prowadzeniu swojej firmy.

Offered by our HR administration is complex.

HR and Payroll

Offered by our HR administration is complex. You get a guarantee of security and regulatory compliance.

Lower costs


Instead of carrying out accounting department, bookkeeping can entrust our company.


Archiving of documents

At the end of the financial year pass on to customers the documents packed in professional archival containers with essential information on record retention period.


We hold the legally required licence for the provision of bookkeeping services, issued by the Ministry of Finance (licence no. 1784/96).


Our firm holds civil liability insurance policies regarding provision of bookkeeping services and certain tax advisory activities.

Are you looking for professional accounting services for your company?

We guarantee the highest quality and safety! We will tell you how to improve the accounting department and pay less!

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